Our Approach
Every project is designed to be contextualized to any community in the world, making our projects easily expandable.
If you like a project but work in a different community, contact us. We’d love to contextualize it for your target community.
Picture Dictionaries
Culturally sensitive, inclusive Picture Dictionaries & Teacher Guides designed to be used by anyone – literate or illiterate.
Coloring Books
Contextualized coloring books designed to represent the refugees’ home countries to provide familiarity.
Girls' Books
Designed to introduce female-sensitive conversations and promote healthy lifestyle changes in context of displacement.
Exercise is for Everyone
Promoting healthy lifestyle interventions in context of displacement to improve mental & physical health.
Teacher Trainings
Designed to provide teachers with innovative teaching methods in informal settings.
“Saturday morning cartoons” for ethnic minorities with unwritten languages.
Children's Books
Children’s books based on true stories of our Rohingya friends & refugee resettlement.
Free Resources
Mental health activities for children suffering from conflict-related trauma.
Child Rights
Created educate, build conversation, and encourage awareness of human rights.
Rohingya Reunions
Connecting with Rohingya families around the world & understanding the Rohingya diaspora.