Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Education through Cartoonization

Contextualized learning materials for refugees & marginalized communities
Diversity & Inclusive Learning

Our Mission

To foster community-driven informal education
networks through contextualized resources.

What We Do: Cartoonize Communities

We’re the go-to “cartoonizers” in the humanitarian field.
We create representation through cartoonization for displaced communities in need of cultural preservation and informal resources. We sell our own products, offer teacher trainings, and work as education consultants to design custom projects for organizations and companies.
Our simple approach allows us to dip our toes into an endless pool of topics, reaching both literate and illiterate learners in a culturally sensitive way.
Want to proofread & verify cartoons?
If you belong to any of the communities in our projects, you can provide feedback on language and cartoons.

Why We Do It

for the world’s most marginalized communities
for ethnic minority language and culture
of community-based informal learning
Every project is designed to be contextualized to any community in the world, making our projects easily expandable.


USA, Europe (TBD)


Europe, USA


Bangladesh, Malaysia, USA


Europe, USA
Projects are designed based on the immediate needs in focus communities.

Picture Dictionaries

Rohingya, Afghan, USA

Culturally sensitive, inclusive Picture Dictionaries & Teacher Guides to represent refugee and immigrant communities. Designed to be used by anyone, literate or illiterate, at home or at school.

Coloring Books

Afghan, Rohingya, Ukrainian, Bangla, Syrian

Culturally sensitive, inclusive coloring books designed to represent the refugees’ home countries to give them a sense of familiarity & representation. Great resource to aid in the trauma-healing process.

Girls' Books

Rohingya, Afghan

Culturally sensitive women’s health books tailored for girls living in vulnerable communities. Designed to introduce female-sensitive conversations and promote healthy lifestyle changes.

New book release!

For the Girls: Afghan Version
A contextualized approach to women’s health for refugees
Rohingya women in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp
Check out this feature that highlights Maiya School, one of our partners in Kutupalong, Bangladesh (start at 5:19).
Students at Maiya School are currently using our Girls’ Program in their school. These books were donated to them by the generous support of our donors.

Featured Blog


Our projects are supported by you! Your donation covers the cost for printing and developing materials. Help us bring more informal learning into communities, one cartoon at a time.

Request a Guest Speaker

Request a presentation from founder, Sophie Danielson, to learn more about the Rohingya diaspora, how Books Unbound began, and her journey of finding her Rohingya friends around the world.

Hire Us

Are you in need of culturally relevant, picture-based learning materials? We develop custom projects based on your need. Materials are available in various mediums (books, animations, posters, etc). Let us “cartoonize” your curriculum.

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