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My Afghan Picture Dictionary
A Picture Dictionary contextualized for Afghan refugees coming to the United States.
``I hadn't expected that the content would be so strategic...``
``I'm beyond grateful for the resources that Books Unbound has created! ...``
``Perfect for our Afghan neighbors...
``I love the cute pictures and trilingual labeling...
``Resources that include their languages are scarce and these elicited big smiles...
``It is wonderful to have a resource that has their home language right next to the English...
``These books have been incredibly helpful in our class for Afghan beginners...
``There are so few resources that cater to Afghan clients who speak Pashto or Dari...
``Afghan Picture Dictionary is a top-notch resource for ESL work with Afghan families...
``She really appreciated simple pictures with written words she could read and identify with...
``I hadn't expected that the content would be so strategic...``
I am working with an Afghan refugee woman who is non-literate in Pashto, so the picture dictionary was inordinately useful. I hadn’t expected that the content would be so strategic; it’s placement of numbers right at the beginning, for example was key to helping her unlock a great deal of life in the US, from prices at the grocery store to her phone number.
Further, I could tell that having all the pictures reflect the clothing, faces, and culture of Afghanistan made my student — a shellshocked, homesick refugee — feel comforted.
— Welcomer | California, USA
``I'm beyond grateful for the resources that Books Unbound has created! ...``
I work with many families from all around the world but primarily serve a lot of Afghan families. Having a book with English and Dari is so helpful! The kids are also so intrigued to see their own culture represented, especially now that they are in a new country for refuge. Thank you for all of your hard work, Books Unbound!
— Volunteer | Arizona, USA
``Perfect for our Afghan neighbors...
…When I brought it to the family they were in the park practicing riding their newly acquired bicycles.
Rahila who is 8 and currently in 2nd grade claimed it and excitedly showed me what English she knew and the Dari for it and went on to get the English pronunciation correct it went in her backpack for use at school. I had to buy two more copies, one each for the Mom and her Dad. We gave her parents’ ESL teachers a teachers’ manual each! Perfect! Thank you!”
— Jillian, USA
``I love the cute pictures and trilingual labeling...
…My two new Afghan students LOVED being able to read and see kids that looked like them. They were so happy!”
— Educator, USA
``Resources that include their languages are scarce and these elicited big smiles...
…Our Afghan adult ESOL students were delighted to have the dictionaries. Resources that include their languages are scarce and these elicited big smiles!”
— Educator, USA
``It is wonderful to have a resource that has their home language right next to the English...
…I am an ESl teacher so am using them to teach the English! It is wonderful to have a resource that has their home language right next to the English!”
— Educator, USA
``These books have been incredibly helpful in our class for Afghan beginners...
…I love that they contain both Dari and Pashto translations.”
— Educator, USA
``There are so few resources that cater to Afghan clients who speak Pashto or Dari...
…Books Unbound is helping to bridge the language gap for new families to have a smoother resettlement process. The books are great quality, culturally appropriate and teach many of the immediate needs refugees may have. We look forward to seeing more resources that gear to the Afghan refugee population in USA.”
— Educator, USA
``Afghan Picture Dictionary is a top-notch resource for ESL work with Afghan families...
…This book will last through many lessons and many students! Has much of the material that I need for ESL with attractive graphics. Having materials for Afghan refugees is immensely helpful. Not much is available.”
— Jillian, USA
``She really appreciated simple pictures with written words she could read and identify with...
I only know that when I gave the 3-language picture dictionary to the Afghan refugee family, the Mom immediately sat down with 5 and 3 yr old children to point out pictures and say the words. She really appreciated simple pictures with written words she could read and identify with. She looked at the emotions page first.”
— Educator, USA
My Rohingya Picture Dictionary
A Picture Dictionary created to represent the Rohingya community living in Kutupalong, Bangladesh – the world’s largest refugee camp.
``I have fallen in love with this picture dictionary when I saw the cover page...
``This picture dictionary is helping me to increase my creativity power..
``I always keep this book with me as a handbook...
``I love the vegetables page because in Myanmar, I used to go to the vegetable garden with my father...
``This is my first time I've ever seen the Rohingya language...
``This book is very effective...
``I have fallen in love with this picture dictionary when I saw the cover page...
…I was so excited when I got this book. I have fallen in love with this picture dictionary when I saw the cover page. The most beautiful, colourful cover page I’ve ever seen. I usually sit with this book when I get free time. Mostly in the morning time after I come from Maktab. This book is fruitful for me. Before getting this book, I didn’t have any suitable book for me to study. Now I can practice my handwriting as well as reading with this book. Thank you so much, Books Unbound, for this beautiful book.”
— Rohingya student, 8 years old| Bangladesh
``This picture dictionary is helping me to increase my creativity power..
…This picture dictionary is important for me. I have never seen this kind of book before. This is my first time with this kind of book. In my level-03 curriculum, I’ve lots of books but I am really surprised with this one. Beside my studies, this picture dictionary is helping me to enrich my vocabularies. I’m so glad with this book because here I’ve found most important basic topics which are very helpful for me to study. As a student of Grade 3, I try to make sentences with the help of this book vocabulary. Teacher always helps me if I did any mistake.
Thank you so much, Books Unbound, for such kind of materials. This picture dictionary is helping me to increase my creativity power. I think this book would be a great tool for other students who don’t have this book.”
— Rohingya student, 12 years old | Bangladesh
``I always keep this book with me as a handbook...
…I always keep this book with me as a handbook. I love this book’s cartoons so much. When I do self study, it’s a bit difficult for me to pronounce the words. That’s why I get help from my senior. But it’s very easy for me to understand the meaning of the words by the help of it’s cartoons. This book cartoons are so meaningful. I’m so happy with this book. Now I can spend my leisure time with this book.
Thank you, Books Unbound, for this beautiful Picture Dictionary along with the notebook and pen.”
— Rohingya student, 9 years old | Bangladesh
``I love the vegetables page because in Myanmar, I used to go to the vegetable garden with my father...
…Except me, my other friends are in upper level classes. I was out of school at the very beginning. That’s why I’m in a lower level. This is my first picture dictionary. As a beginner, this book is very essential for me because this book started from basics. I have a younger brother who always disturbs me for this book. He is not old enough to read or write but he is fond of cartoons. He goes through each page of this book and enjoys the cartoons. Among all topics, I love the vegetables page so much because in Myanmar, I used to go to the vegetable garden with my father. I’m very satisfied with this picture dictionary. Now I can practice my my handwriting in anytime with this book.
Thank you, Books Unbound, for giving me a notebook and pen with this amazing book.”
— Rohingya student, 8 years old | Bangladesh
``This is my first time I've ever seen the Rohingya language...
…Besides my study, I’m fond of drawing. Drawing is one of my favourite hobbies. This picture dictionary is an extraordinary tool for me because now I can do both: learning new vocabularies as well as increasing my drawing skills. I like 3 things of this picture dictionary.
1) Three languages system. This is my first time I’ve ever seen the Rohingya language. I can easily understand the meaning of words by the help of Rohingya language.
2) Colorful cartoons. From my childhood, I love cartoons so much. This book helps me in my drawing.
3) All activities are related with my culture. This picture dictionary is helping me to reach more closer of my culture.
Thank you so much, Books Unbound, for this wonderful book along with the notebook and pen.”
— Rohingya student, 10 years old | Bangladesh
``This book is very effective...
…and obviously the book has some interesting elements which are not present in any other books. That’s why this book is awesome.”
— Rohingya teacher | Bangladesh
My Rohingya Coloring Book
A Coloring Book created to represent some of the most common places in the Rohingya community. Perfect for Rohingya communities around the world.
``I love this coloring book very much. I felt very excited when I heard about the coloring book...
``My family members were also so happy when they saw the first prize and motivated me for future successes...
``Competition always gives me the positive attitude and makes me active to do better...
``I feel mentally refreshed when I sit for coloring...
``The best way to spend free time is with this book...
``I love this coloring book very much. I felt very excited when I heard about the coloring book...
…Finally, when I got the book, I was surprised to see it. It’s really amazing. From the coloring book, my favourite topic is “Our Roads.” Basically I love to draw trees and color them. Now I’m so happy with this book. Thank you, Books Unbound, for such kind of creative book.”
— Rohingya student, 13 years old | Bangladesh
``My family members were also so happy when they saw the first prize and motivated me for future successes...
…This is my first coloring book. Coloring is my favourite hobby. I’m so glad that I have this beautiful book. In the previous Coloring Competition I won first place.
In Bangladesh, it was my first coloring competition and I won 1st place. That is why I feel so proud for it. My family members were also so happy when they saw the first prize and motivated me for future successes. The coloring competition was so much fun and difficult to take the 1st place because there were so many classmates who were my seniors. But I did it with my creative talent.
Competition gives me so much confidence and bravery. Thanks, Books Unbound, for this beautiful coloring book and competition.”
— Rohingya student, 12 years old | Bangladesh
``Competition always gives me the positive attitude and makes me active to do better...
…I felt happy when I got the book. My happiness was unbound when I saw the coloring book. From my very young age, I have loved drawing. My mother was the first person who helped me in drawing and coloring. That is why I have an eagerness in coloring from a young age.
From this book, my favourite page is “Our Classroom.” This book increases my pleasure and eagerness of coloring. I took the 2nd place in the previous coloring competition. Competition always gives me the positive attitude and makes me active to do better. Thank you, Books Unbound, for the coloring book and competition.”
— Rohingya student, 10 years old | Bangladesh
``I feel mentally refreshed when I sit for coloring...
…Drawing and coloring are my favourite hobbies. In my free time, I love to draw and color them. This coloring book made it so much easier. Now I spend my free time with this book. I feel mentally refreshed when I sit for coloring. I was present in previous coloring competition but I didn’t get any prize. But I enjoyed the competition so much. I tried my best. Competition motivated me to do better like the others who got the prize. I love to draw animals as well as flowers. Thank you, Books Unbound, for this amazing book.”
— Rohingya student, 11 years old | Bangladesh
``The best way to spend free time is with this book...
…This is my first time I was introduced to this kind of book. I’m satisfied with these beautiful topics and pages. My neighbourhood friends saw me with this book and wish to have a book with them. The best way to spend free time is with this book. “Garden” is my favourite page from this book. I love flowers so much. Mostly roses. I participated in previous coloring competition but failed to be among the top 3. However, the competition moments were fascinating. All the pages are beautiful and matched with my hobby. Thank you so much, Books Unbound, for this wonderful book and competition.”
— Rohingya student, 11 years old | Bangladesh
For the Girls | Rohingya Version
By girls, for girls. A program designed to prompt important conversations with Rohingya adolescent girls regarding women’s health, physical activity, and community-based work throughout all phases of a woman’s life.
``Our girls LOVE the Books Unbound curriculum...
``This is the first time I enjoyed my class a lot...
``I didn't study before and this is the first for me learning so many new things...
``I thought only boys can do exercise...
``This training and session changed my thoughts and dream...
``My period started a few months ago. Before my period, I didn't have idea about it...
``Today, I learned very important things that we all females should know...
``They liked that they could learn about girls around the world...
``Our girls LOVE the Books Unbound curriculum...
…Loving the continued programming and cannot wait for the partnership to expand.”
— Maiya School, Books Unbound partner in Bangladesh
``This is the first time I enjoyed my class a lot...
…Because when we studied anywhere there were girls and boys together and the teachers were male as well. So, I didn’t feel comfortable and that’s why my parents stopped me from going to school.
And I see this book is only for girls was provided by Books Unbound. I like this book very much. Thank you so much to Books Unbound. I learned so many new things from today’s topics.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``I didn't study before and this is the first for me learning so many new things...
…I feel powerful getting this training. Here, so many girls at our camp don’t study and who don’t have opportunity to study at all. I think this program will help those girls and everyone should get it.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``I thought only boys can do exercise...
…I didn’t know the importance of exercise. From today I would like to do exercise and I will share it with my friends and family members. I would like to learn more exercise which I can do easily at house as we don’t enough place and any specific place like others.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``This training and session changed my thoughts and dream...
…By this program, I learned very important things which are very necessary for me and my community. And most importantly, I learned the Rohingya Alphabet, my mother language. I didn’t know that our language can write.
I would like to learn more about Rohingya Language and teach to my community. My community will be very happy and helpful learning the Rohingya Language.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``My period started a few months ago. Before my period, I didn't have idea about it...
…So, I was thinking and was scared and shy to share with anyone. I didn’t know about using any pads. I was changing dress to hide it but it doesn’t work so, I was sleeping the whole day saying I was sick.
I thought it was a serious disease.
At last my mom recognized it after one day. Then she told me about it. But I was feeling so shy hearing about it from mom. And she didn’t let me eat fish and some food for some days. So, I think every girl should know about periods prior their first period and using of pad. I hope Books Unbound will support all the girls to get this program.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``Today, I learned very important things that we all females should know...
…Miscarriage, baby development, and what seniors like and can do. I think if we know this, everything from our childhood, we can change our lives and help our community. I hope Books Unbound will support to every girl to get this incredible program.”
— Rohingya student, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
``They liked that they could learn about girls around the world...
…They thought foreign girls don’t have periods. They are happy to know that a period is normal.”
— Rohingya teacher, Girls’ Program | Bangladesh
My Coloring Book | Ukrainian Version
Designed by Ukrainians, for Ukrainians. A culturally sensitive coloring book for Ukrainain children – designed to celebrate diversity & inclusion.
``He pointed out the child in the wheelchair with such pride...``
``One mum had tears in her eyes, thanking us for the colouring books for her children.``
``He pointed out the child in the wheelchair with such pride...``
“I brought some of Books Unbound’s coloring books with me and I can’t express how much joy it brought this boy [in a wheelchair] to see himself represented in the pages. We went through every page and he pointed out the child in the wheelchair with such pride each time. Representation matters. Thank you so much, Books Unbound, for creating this resource.”
— Educator, Ukraine
``One mum had tears in her eyes, thanking us for the colouring books for her children.``
“The books have been wonderful for helping the children feel seen. We should all recognize ourselves in art and literature. The books have been a wonderful way to help the children positively reflect on their past and their future.”
— Educator at Rochdale Borough Council, United Kingdom
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