For the Girls

A contextualized approach to women’s health for refugees

Understanding how our bodies work empowers us to:

  • Make more educated decisions about our bodies
  • Recognize the close interconnection between our physical and mental health
  • Take action and be positive role models for our community

Today, everything I learned was new. Very important topics for me and my community. I hope every teenage girl will get this book.Rohingya student
By girls, for girls. Our Girls’ Books are created by our team of female content creators, many of whom are refugees themselves. Their lived experiences, combined with health expert advice and in-field research, contribute to the development of these resources.
For the Girls is a contextualized resource to prompt important conversations for marginalized girls regarding women’s health, physical activity, skills development, and community-based work throughout all phases of life.
The picture-based approach is designed to encourage girls to ask questions and spark conversation about womanhood among their peers, regardless of their literacy level.

Featured Communities


A health resource to support organizations and individuals working with Afghan girls around the world.
Sponsored by:
& private donors


A health resource to build small group discussions for Rohingya girls living in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp.
Sponsored by:

SK Dream Japan

& private donors

Featured Organizations

Using the Girls’ Book resources

Our clients | ILAD

Book Structure

Broken into sections based on the 5 phases of womanhood:
Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, and Seniorhood.
Each section focuses on age-specific themes corresponding to different life phases, while also covering general topics such as nutrition, physical activity, hygiene, and community-based activities.

Skills Development

Highlighting entrepreneurship, vocational skills, language development, and creative activities. Encouraging girls to explore and try new activities.

Mental Health

Examples of family support, peer support, and ways we can help our community. Understanding our menstrual cycle and the role hormones play in our mental health.

Physical Health

Providing physical activity recommendations & basic hygiene practices. Understanding our menstrual cycle and the role hormones play in our physical health.

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Section Highlight

The Adolescent section is focused around the menstrual cycle, which we have subdivided into sections based on each cycle phase: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase.
Why do we sometimes feel more productive, confident, social and energetic? Why do we sometimes feel less social, more introspective, and low energy?
We want to encourage girls to understand their unique cycles and familiarize themselves with the transformations their bodies undergo during each phase.

Our Outreach – Rohingya

Kutupalong, Bangladesh

We partner with organizations and independent teachers in refugee camps to distribute and implement our grassroots Girls’ Program. We organize small groups of adolescent girls and set up the following:
  • Provide each student with our Student Book, notebook, and pen
  • Equip each teacher with our Teacher Guide
  • Provide snacks and fresh water for each session
Check out our latest case study for a deeper dive into our impact in Kutupalong, Bangladesh.
Books Unbound and Maiya School
This program is made possible by private donors.
I didn’t study before and this is the first for me learning so many new things. I feel powerful getting this training. Here, so many girls at our camp don’t have opportunity to study. I think this program will help those girls.
Some students didn’t know that all the girls have periods around the world. They are happy to know that a period is normal.
I am very glad to know that an adolescent needs to do exercise. I thought only patients / those with disabilities need to do exercise.

Our Outreach – Afghan


We officially launched our Afghan Girls’ Book in November, 2023. Our research for this book was conducted in Afghan communities in Greece, the USA, Canada, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
We’re looking for more partner organizations to implement our Girls’ Program throughout the US and beyond.
If you’re interested in partnering, contact us.
This program is made possible by business sponsors & private donors

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Special Features

Our Girls’ Books are featured in this short DW documentary with our partner, Maiya School (starting at 5:19).
This video highlights some of the challenges Rohingya women face in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp.
These books were donated to Maiya School from the generous support of our private donors.