It’s pretty simple. We’re the go-to “cartoonizers” in the humanitarian field.
We create “representation through cartoonization” for displaced communities in need of cultural preservation and contextualized resources.
We sell our own products, offer teacher trainings, and work as education consultants to design custom projects for organizations and companies.
Our simple approach allows us to dip our toes into an endless pool of topics, reaching both literate and illiterate learners in a culturally sensitive way.
Need something cartoonized? We’re always looking for new topics & new communities to “cartoonize.” Get in touch with us!
Our Methodology:
Cartoonizing Communities
Local Team
Cultural Consultants, Translators, Educators
International Team
Project Manager, Artists, Designers
~ Identify target community
~ Consult with local educators
~ Assemble local team
~ Design outline with local team
~ Collect reference photos in the community
~ Create cartoons
~ Feedback process begins
~ Cartoon modification
~ Cartoon approval by local team
~ Translation of text to relevant language(s)
~ Cartoons & translations shared among community members (randomized method)
~ Book design & small-batch prints
~ Focus groups formed to provide feedback on translations, cartoons, activities & book themes
~ Book distributions
~ Launch first classes
~ Collect qualitative feedback
~ Make necessary adjustments
~ More book distributions
~ Hire local teachers
~ Launch more classes
~ Solidify project sponsors
~ Market & sell books to NGOs
Now What?
Contextualize this current product to a new community
Why We Do It
The Problem
A young Rohingya boy flees his village in Myanmar with his family. He ends up at a refugee camp in a neighboring country. He’s desperate to go to school, but he can’t.
Limited Resources
He finds a book that was donated to the camp. The first page shows a group of American children hopping on a bright yellow school bus.
The Solution
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a cartoon of him?